Unreal SDK breaking changes
Unreal SDK 1.0.0 breaking changes
delegate now uses USkeletalMesh instead of UglTFRuntimeAsset.ReadyPlayerMeComponent::LoadRender
function is removed because it is not needed anymore. UseReadyPlayerMeRenderLoader::Load
function instead.FDownloadImageCompleted
delegate now uses UTexture2D instead of UTexture.
Unreal SDK 0.18.0 breaking changes
parameters added. TheOnLoadCompleted
callback parameter has been added to theLoadAvatar
functions in theReadyPlayerMeComponent
.The avatar caching logic has changed. If you enabled avatar caching, this change will affect you. The directory where the avatar model is cached will contain a subdirectory where the model is saved. This change supports caching the same avatar with different Avatar Configurations. You might need to delete the generated
directory.ReadyPlayerMeAvatarLoader AvatarConfig parameter added. In
parameter has been added to theLoadAvatar
function. This change will not affect you if you use theReadyPlayerMeComponent
Unreal SDK 0.17.0 breaking changes
Due to major changes to the architecture and classes in the 0.17.0 update, you may see errors after updating the plugin. Possible errors and suggested solutions are shown below.
Several helper functions have been removed
For the helper functions that validated the URL, make sure the URL string is not empty.
For the functions that created glTFRuntime configs, you need to create the configs manually. However, you shouldn't be using glTFRuntimr configs manually as the ReadyPlayerMeComponent provides most of the functionality you will need.
For the helper functions that changed the morph targets, use the
function directly.

The ReadyPlayerMeActorComponent has been renamed to ReadyPlayerMeComponent
This might introduce issues in existing projects, where the component may be broken and not show any details. The safest way of fixing this issue is to recreate the Actor Blueprint where the component was included. Just renamaing the component in the code might not work.
If the comonent was included in the code, you might need to do the following.
Remove the component from the code.
Compile the project.
Save the Blueprint of the Actor that contained the component.
Re-add the component in the code.
Compile the project again.
The RunAvatarSetup function has been renamed to LoadAvatar. To fix the broken blueprint, replace the
blueprint function withLoadAvatar

Last updated
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