Tops, Bottoms, Shoes
Create unique modular assets without 3D tools.
Last updated
Create unique modular assets without 3D tools.
Last updated
Asset Designer allows Ready Player Me partners to create unique modular assets (separate bottoms, shoes and tops) for RPM avatars based on templates and save them to Asset Management in Studio to be used in their applications.
Currently, we do not support a custom mesh for modular assets. You can only modify the texture of the existing templates, which you can find in Asset Designer in Studio.
Personalize the end-user experience by creating unique modular assets.
Create unique modular assets without 3D creation tools.
Enable and disable created assets in your application.
Download the .psd template of a mesh, edit it in Photoshop or in a similar application, and upload the outcome as .png on Asset Designer.
Explore modular asset templates.
Three categories: Tops, Bottoms, and Shoes.
Download asset template
All downloads are in .zip format.
Export the .zip file to access the .psd file of the template.
Edit in Photoshop or similar.
Upload texture
Only .png format is accepted.
File size: up to 2 MB.
See detailed Texture requirements.
Uploaded .png texture will be reflected on the selected asset in Asset Designer.
Created assets can be saved directly to Asset Management in Studio, where you can assign them to your application.
Note: each asset has to be saved individually, it is not possible to upload multiple textures and save them in bulk at the moment.
Go to Asset Designer
Select an asset you would like to edit
Download the template
Edit the .psd template in Photoshop, Photopea, or similar
Export the creation as a .png file
Upload the file to the same asset in Asset Designer
See the preview of the creation within Asset Designer
Save the asset to Asset Manager in Studio
Go to Asset Manager to enable it for your application
In-depth template editing guide here: Editing templates
In order for the uploaded texture to work, it must comply with the following:
.PNG format
File size: max. 2MB
For the basecolor map, use the IEC 61966-2-1 Default RGB color space - sRGB when editing the image
Resolution of 1024x1024px
24 bits per pixel, only RGB, no alpha channel/transparency
Do not include metadata or color profile information in the PNG image file to avoid errors.