Avatar loading issues

Errors and known issues.

Avatar does not load on application build

If avatar loading works in the Unity Editor but not in the built application, the glTFast shaders are likely missing. To fix this, add them to the Preloaded Shaders list in the Graphics Settings.

In the Unity Editor, go to Edit > Project Settings > Graphics and find the Preloaded Shaders list. Add the glTFastShaderVariants collection as shown below.

Unable to load avatars after Core 3.0.0 update or import

As part of the Core 3.0.0 update, we added a Scripting Define symbol so that we can conditionally hide any code that references glTFast to prevent compilation errors when Ready Player Me Core is installed but glTFast is not. The Core package should automatically add this symbol but if you are having problems loading avatars in Editor you may need to manually add this scripting define symbol.

To add the Symbol:

  1. Go to File > Build Settings > Project Settings > Player

  2. Click on the tab for your target platform

  3. Expand the Other Settings section

  4. Look for the Scripting Define Symbols setting

  5. Make sure it has READY_PLAYER_ME and GLTFAST

  6. Click Apply

  7. Also, add to any other platforms as needed.

Unable to load avatars with MeshOpt in Avatar config

If you are getting errors when trying to load avatars with Use Mesh Opt Compression enabled shown below, it is most likely because you are missing the mesh opt decompression plugin.

To fix this:

  • Open the Unity Package Manager

  • Click the + icon and Add package by name

  • paste the package name com.unity.meshopt.decompress in the text field and click add

  • After the import is complete try again to load the avatar.

You may also need to delete the previously loaded avatar so that it will reimport correctly after adding the meshopt package.

Last updated