Import and configure the Unreal Engine SDK for your project.
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Import and configure the Unreal Engine SDK for your project.
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Verify your Unreal Version is Unreal Engine 4.27, 5, or higher.
Unreal Marketplace only supports 3 latest versions of Unreal Engine (5.2, 5.3, 5.4). If you want to install the SDK for the other versions, check out how to install it manually.
Ready Player Me is available in the marketplace if you search for the Ready Player Me Avatar and Character Creator. You can get it for free. Once you have downloaded it, install it to your preferred engine.
Ready Player Me Plugin is added to your Engine as a plugin. To enable the plugin for your project, you need to open your project and enable the Ready Player Me plugin.
Once you have enabled it, you need to restart the engine. Once done, you have successfully enabled the plugin for your project.
When you integrate the SDK for the first time, you will be greeted with our Setup Guide editor window to guide you through the setup process.
Please enter your own subdomain and app ID you got from Studio (Developer Dashboard). In the images below you can see where you get the Subdomain and App ID.
If you want to sign up later, you can also write "demo" in the field.
These fields are needed for the avatar creator to work properly. You can always update the app ID and the subdomain from the project settings.
Then click the next button.
Next, you can enable/disable analytics. This helps us improve the SDKs.
Click the Finish Setup button.
The integration guide will help you find the most essential material to integrate Ready Player Me successfully.
The quickest way to see our Ready Player Me avatars in action is to open the Quickstart map by clicking the Load Quickstart Map button.
Open the QuickStart map and click Play. You can see the default avatar and move around with it.
Press the Q key on the keyboard. This will open the avatar creator window.
Create your personal avatar and click the Save button when you are done.
After loading is complete, you will see your avatar.
The third-person controller is currently designed to work with a keyboard and mouse using the deprecated Unreal Input system. This is done intentionally to support Unreal Engine 4.27.
Check out the Code Samples to learn how to integrate Ready Player Me avatars in different projects.
In the Content Browser click Settings (cogwheel icon on the far right)(View Options in UE4). Make sure Show Plugin Content and Show Engine Content are both checked.
Next, you will learn in more detail how to:
integrate and customize the Avatar Creator in your game or app,
load 3D avatars,
load 2D avatars (e.g., for profile pictures),
animate your avatars
And optimize the avatars for better performance
If you have trouble creating your project, see Troubleshooting for straightforward solutions.
In the Content Browser, expand Engine Plugins(Plugins folder, if you installed the plugin manually) and scroll or use search until you find the ReadyPlayerMe Content folders.