Import SDK Manually

Add ReadyPlayerMe plugin as a submodule to an existing Git project.

Before you begin adding SDK manually, ensure you have Visual Studio (or Rider) installed; it should be because Unreal Engine depends on it. In order for Unreal Engine to work properly you might need to install the following packages from the Visual Studio Installer: Desktop development with C++, Game development with C++, .NET desktop development.

This has been tested on versions 4.27, 5.0, and onwards.

There are two ways to add SDK to your project manually:

Option 1 - Download as a zip

  1. Create a new project, in case you don't have an existing project, where you want to integrate Ready Player Me Avatars.

  2. Close the Unreal editor.

  3. Create a directory in your project folder and name it Plugins.

  4. Open your project in Unreal Engine.

  5. You successfully imported the Ready Player Me Unreal SDK plugin.

  6. After successfully importing the plugin into your project, please continue with the Setup Guide.

Option 2 - Add SDK as a Git submodule

To add the plugins to your Git-managed project as submodules, open your project folder, right-click, select Open In Terminal, and run the following git command.

git submodule add --name Plugins/ReadyPlayerMe -- Plugins/ReadyPlayerMe ; cd Plugins/ReadyPlayerMe ; git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)) ; cd ../..

Updating ReadyPlayerMe Git submodule

To update the plugins, paste the following command from your project folder in the terminal. This will fetch and switch the plugin repositories to the latest stable release.

cd Plugins/ReadyPlayerMe ; git fetch --tags ; git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)) ; cd ../..

Continue with the Quickstart

After successfully importing the plugin into your project, please continue with the Setup Guide.

Last updated