GET - 3D avatar

Get a 3D avatar GLB file with desired performance and configuration settings.

All avatars are hosted in a CDN under

Please always use the URL for Avatar requests instead of

Get an avatar GLB by id.


Get an avatar 3D GLB model with desired performance and configuration settings.

Path Parameters




ID of an avatar.

Query Parameters




low, medium or high - Use quality presets to combine performance related parameters.



[Deprecated] Use lod instead. Control the triangle count of the assets equipped on the avatar.



Sets the upper limit for texture resolution in pixels of any texture in the avatar.



Generates a texture atlas of the desired resolution. The operation merges all meshes and splits opaque objects from transparent ones resulting in a maximum of 2 draw calls.



Define which textureChannels should be included in the .glb. It can be a comma-separated combination of the following values: baseColor, normal, metallicRoughness, emissive, occlusion



Comma-separated list of individual morph targets or morph target standard groups to include on the avatar.



Reduces file size by compressing output avatars with Draco mesh compression. More effective on complex meshes.



[Deprecated] Reduces file size by compressing output avatars with Mesh Optimization compression. More effective on meshes with morph targets.



Reduces file size by quantizing vertex attributes and compressing output avatars with Mesh Optimization compression. More effective on meshes with morph targets.



Defines the pose for a full-body avatar.



Toggles hands for half-body VR avatars.



Reduce avatar file size by formatting all textures into the specified format. Using webp encoding can result in up to 40% reduction in avatar file size. Supported values: webp, jpeg, png



Control the triangle count of the entire avatar.



Choose which texture quality preset to get on the avatar.

Parameters, expected values, and examples

You can combine multiple parameters by concatenating with &.

So for example requesting an avatar with lod 2 and without texture atlassing would look like that:

Parameters, expected values, and examples

ID of an avatar.

Expected values (String)

  • 65a8dba831b23abb4f401bae.glb

Deprecated - Requesting avatar by shortCode, instead request by avatar ID.

  • ABC123.glb


You must include the .glb file extension or you will get a 404 return value.

You can get an avatar id or short code via postMessage returned from Ready Player Me. You can read more about how to do that at Native Integration.

Without any of the optional parameters, the avatar is returned based on default values.

Use quality presets to combine performance related parameters from below.

Expected Values (String)

  • low

  • medium

  • high

The values behind those presets are the following:

  • low (meshLod=2, textureSizeLimit=256, textureAtlas=256, morphTargets=none)

  • medium (meshLod=1, textureSizeLimit=512=textureAtlas=512, morphTargets=none)

  • high (meshLod=0, textureSizeLimit=1024=textureAtlas=1024, morphTargets=none)

All other values overwrite quality. So e.g. you can use quality=low and overwrite the meshLod with 0 to get the high-res avatar. See Examples.

Control the triangle count of the entire avatar.

Expected values (Number)

  • 0 - No triangle count reduction is applied (default).

  • 1 - Retain 50% of the original triangle count.

  • 2 - Retain 25% of the original triangle count.

Deprecated - Please use ?lod instead to get the best results.

Control the triangle count of the assets equipped on the avatar. This does not impact the quality of the head model of the avatar.

Expected values (Number)

  • 0 - No triangle count reduction is applied (default).

  • 1 - Retain 50% of the original triangle count.

  • 2 - Retain 25% of the original triangle count.

Set the upper limit for texture resolution in pixels of any texture in the avatar.

Expected values (Number)

The value needs to be a multiple of two.

  • Min: 256

  • Max: 1024 (default)

Set the quality for textures on the Avatar by choosing from one of the presets.

Expected values (String)

  • low - overall lower quality textures on the avatar and equipped assets.

  • medium - higher quality head and upper body assets (default).

  • high - overall high quality textures on the whole avatar and assets.

These options are intended to provide more optimization control when having to render many Avatars in a 3D scene. The intention for low quality is to be used for Avatars that are farther in the distance and don't require as much detail.

Generate a texture atlas of the desired resolution. This operation merges all meshes and splits opaque objects from transparent ones resulting in a maximum of 2 draw calls.

The texture atlas is generated for all PBR channels - baseColor, normal, metallicRoughness, emissive, and occlusion, if any of the assets making up the avatar includes them.

Expected Values (String, Number)

  • none - Do not create a texture atlas (default).

  • 256 - Create a texture atlas of 256x256px.

  • 512 - Create a texture atlas of 512x512px.

  • 1024 - Create a texture atlas of 1024x1024px.

Reduce avatar file size by formatting all textures into the specified format.

Using webp encoding can result in up to 40% reduction in avatar file size.

At the moment, our Unity and Unreal SDKs do not officially support the WebP texture format. However, for web applications, utilizing the WebP format can be very effective to reduce avatar file size.

Expected Values (String)

  • webp

  • jpeg

  • png

Select the texture channels you want to have included in the .glb. (By default, the .glb comes with all available channels).

Expected Values (String)

  • baseColor

  • normal

  • metallicRoughness

  • emissive

  • occlusion

  • none

You can combine these values by comma separation. See examples.

Comma-separated list of individual morph targets or morph target standard groups to include on the avatar.

Expected values (String)

The default value is "Default".

Define the pose for a full-body avatar.

Expected values (String)

  • A - Create a full-body avatar in A pose (default).

  • T - Create a full-body avatar in T pose.

Only applies to full-body avatars.

Reduce the file size by compressing output avatars with Draco mesh compression.

Expected values (Boolean)

  • true - Enable compression.

  • false - No compression (default).

Draco mesh compression is disabled by default for maximum compatibility for various glTF loaders.

Reduce the file size by compressing output avatars with Mesh Optimization compression. This technique is more effective on avatars with morph targets.

Expected values (Boolean)

  • true - Enable compression.

  • false - No compression (default).

Mesh Optimization compression is disabled by default for maximum compatibility for various glTF loaders.

Toggle hands for half-body VR avatars.

Expected values (Boolean)

  • false - Do not include hands with half-body VR avatars.

  • true - Include hands with half-body VR avatars (default).

Only applies to half-body avatars.

The default values above only apply when you have not requested any changes to those settings previously. Please reach out to if you want to reset your default settings.

Last updated

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