Full-body XR avatars

XR avatars with legs. Special rig and hands for VR applications

Full-body XR avatars have similar features and customization options to the default Full-body avatars, however, they have a different rig that includes twist bones in the arms and a redesigned hand model, coupled with an OpenXR-compliant hand rig.

These features enable more lifelike and accurate movements of the hands and arms for the player avatar. Moreover, the alternative rig is designed to be compatible with a wide range of third-party libraries, ensuring a versatile and comprehensive integration for developers seeking to enrich their VR interactions.

Current Limitations

  • Fullbody-XR Avatars are currently in Beta.

  • Unreal Engine does currently not support the fullbody-xr avatars. Only Unity.

  • For NPCs, we recommend using default avatars, as they have better compatibility with existing animation libraries (see Animations).

  • Larger Body shapes (heavyset, plus size) have clipping issues.

  • Hero outfits are currently not supported.

Arms have twist bones on upperarm and forearm, an OpenXR compatible rig and a smaller hand model with higher poly-resolution.


By default, you get separate meshes for different body-parts of the avatar. You can however define a textureAtlas, so that the avatar comes as one single mesh, for performance optimization (transparent glasses are always on a separate node).

You can request different LODs for avatars. By default, avatars are optimized and balanced for quality and performance. However, on mobile platforms you may want to optimize for performance or reduce the quality based on the distance of the avatars.

You can currently select 3 different LODs.

  • 0: Full Resolution (full triangle count)

  • 1: Medium Resolution (25% reduction in triangle count)

  • 2: Low Resolution (50% reduction in triangle count)


Avatars come with PBR materials included.

By default, texture atlassing is off to optimize flexibility. You can request avatars with one combined mesh and material to reduce the number of draw calls and optimize for performance.

Read more on how to enable or disable atlassing and reducing the texture size with the Avatar API, or the Avatar Configuration in Unity and Unreal Engine.

Skeleton Structure

You can see the skeleton structure in the picture below. The root name of the armature is Armature.

The hand rig is compliant with OpenXR standards.

Last updated

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