Setup for XR (Beta)

Integrate Ready Player Me in your Virtual Reality (VR/XR) Unity experience.

Before you begin

  • Make sure you check out our regular Quickstart to set up and get familiar with Ready Player Me Unity SDK.

  • Developer Account in Studio

  • Read the current Limitations

Current Limitations

  • Hero outfits are currently not supported.

  • For NPCs, we recommend using default avatars, as they have better compatibility with existing animation libraries (see Animations).

  • Larger Body shapes (heavyset, plus size) have in some cases clipping issues.

Getting started

1. Enable XR Avatars for your application

In XR applications, to enhance the deformation of arms and hands in embodied VR/AR experiences, you can opt for an alternative rig instead of the standard fullbody avatars. This upgraded rig includes twist bones in the arms and a redesigned hand model, coupled with an OpenXR-compliant hand rig.

Read more about XR Avatars.

To enable Fullbody-XR avatars, you first need to enable them in the Developer Studio. Simply open your application and set the body type to Fullbody-XR.

Go to Studio

2. Create your first XR Avatar

To load your XR Avatar into the project, you need to create one fist. While you have not implemented the Avatar Creator in your Unity game, you can use the Web Avatar Creator to create one.

You need to create a new avatar on your subdomain after the change of your application to Full Body-XR has been made. So go to https://[yoursubdomain] and create a new avatar. Alternatively, you can use the methods in the Ready Player Me SDK to create a new avatar from a template.

Existing avatars will not be converted to fullbody-xr avatars.

3. Check out the VR Demo Project

On GitHub, you can find a VR Demo Project that shows you all the functionality you need to get started.

  • Setting up the player avatar with inverse kinematics (using Final IK)

  • Avatar Creator in VR

  • Facial animations using Oculus Lip Sync

  • Interactions and Hand Posing

Check out our VRDemo example project or our VR Application in the meta store, which has all of the functionality described below implemented.

How it is done

Learn in more detail, how every feature is implemented.

Setup your Player Avatar Object in Unity

The player avatar object will contain all the logic to control the player avatar. Learn how to set it up and how to do mesh-transfer, to load a custom avatar.

-> Setup the Player Avatar

Inverse Kinematics (IK)

If you do not have special requirements for the IK solution, we recommend using Final IK from Rootmotion. It is widely used and offers great documentation and tutorials. However, it is a paid plugin, that needs to be purchased on the Unity Asset Store.

-> Setup Final IK

Setup XR Hands

Unity has a package to drive your avatar's hand movements - XR Hands. You can use it, to implement controller interactions or hand tracking. XR Hands package is compatible with Meta Quest, Vision Pro and many interaction libraries.

-> Setup XR Hands

Facial Animations

Virtual social presence in VR is critical to creating a fluid experience. Ready Player Me avatars provide capabilities to help ensure that those social interactions are more believable and engaging.

-> Setup eye blinking, eye gazing, facial tracking, and lip sync.

Creating a VR Avatar Creator

The Ready Player Me SDK allows you to build your own Avatar Creator so that you can tailor the player-facing UI and UX to fit your app’s brand and visual style. It comes equipped with hundreds of customization options, including outfits, tops, bottoms, shoes, hairstyles, and other cosmetics. And you can go beyond that, by creating your custom outfits.

-> Setup the VR Avatar Creator in your game

Last updated