Avatar List Element

An anonymous or Ready Player Me user can have multiple avatars saved. You can show their list of avatars with the AvatarListElement.

See User Management to learn how to create an account for the user.


The AvatarListElement loads the list of avatars and displays each avatar as a UserAvatarElement.

When the user clicks the Customize button on one of the UserAvatarElement items, the UnityEvent OnAvatarModifygets fired. You can listen to this event in your AvatarCreator script and load the new avatar with the given AvatarId.

public UnityEvent<string> OnAvatarModify; //Payload: Avatar Id

When the Delete button is clicked, the AvatarListElement enables the DeleteAvatarElement (see screenshot below). After the user confirms, it will send the delete request to the Ready Player Me API and fire an event that tells the AvatarListElement to remove the avatar from the list.

public UnityEvent<string> OnAvatarDeletionStarted; //Payload: Avatar Id


You can customize the appearance of the panel and the scrollbar.

For the avatar list to show only avatars that are created with your application or game (they are related to your app-id/subdomain), set the AvatarListFilter in the Inspector to Application. Setting AvatarListFilter to None displays all the users's avatars. Note that this only applies to Ready Player Me users, as anonymous users cannot leave your application/domain.

The UserAvatarElementPrefab shows a single avatar along with Customize and Delete buttons. You can modify the buttons and other UI aspects of this element.

Last updated