Avatar Creator Integration
Integrate the Ready Player Me Avatar Creator with your Unreal Engine game or app.
You have two options for integrating the Avatar Creator into your Unreal game.
Use the engine-native Avatar Creator to create your own Avatar Creator.
Integrate the plug-and-play WebView Avatar Creator.
The following section will help you decide whether to use the Custom Avatar Creator or the WebView.
Engine-Native Avatar Creator
The Engine-Native Avatar Creator for Unity is a set of features within the SDK, which provides all the functionality needed to create your own Avatar Creator and use all the assets and backend of Ready Player Me. It comes with examples to showcase all available features.

Fully customizable UX/UI as it is natively built in Unreal Engine.
It runs on all platforms that Unreal Engine supports.
Working sample
You can cut features as you like.
Works with UE4.27 and 5+
Customization of the sample requires more work, to be up-to-date with the new features.
Maintenance load when Ready Player Me introduces new features.
Read more on engine-native Avatar Creator for Unreal
WebView Avatar Creator
The WebView Avatar Creator runs inside a browser within your application. It communicates via PostMessage with your application (e.g. returns the avatar URL).

You will always have the latest Ready Player Me Avatar Creator features without any coding necessary.
Plug and Play.
Integration can be done in a few minutes.
Works with UE 5.0.1 and above.
The only supported platform is Windows.
Limited customization options (e.g. choose theme colors)
Last updated
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