Customization Guide

Avatar creator customization guide

The same UI of the custom avatar creator is entirely made with blueprints. This is done on purpose so that it would be easier to duplicate and customize it.


Customization Steps

To make a custom UI for the avatar creator, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Make a folder in your project's content folder and Duplicate the AvatarCreator content folder into it.

  2. Make sure that you can add the duplicated avatar creator widget to the viewport, and that there are no errors.

  3. Read the Sample Structure to better understand the components of the sample UI.

  4. When making cosmetic changes to the duplicated UI, make sure that the public variables of the UI blueprints are not removed. All the public variables have blueprint logic connected with them.

  5. If you still need to remove the public variables, make sure that you understand the blueprint logic connected with them.

Up-To-Date Sample

While duplicating the sample you will not be able to have up-to-date changes from the sample UI. To have an up-to-date version of the custom avatar creator, the following steps are required:

  1. First, follow the SDK repository to be notified about the new releases.

  2. Update the ReadyPlayerMe plugin in your project to the latest released version.

  3. Open the readme file to check the changes.

  4. Open the changed UI blueprint files that are mentioned in the readme.

  5. Try to apply the UI changes to your duplicated custom version of the avatar creator.

Cosmetic Customization Example

Currently, the sample is designed for the landscape mode. If your application is made for portrait mode, you need to make your custom version of the avatar creator UI. First, duplicate the sample in your project. One by one open all the widgets that don't look good on the portrait mode. Change the layout of the widgets, without removing the public variables. Keep an eye on the RpmAvatarCreator repository, to update your local version of Avatar Creator if a new version is released.

Functional Customization Example

If you'd like to entirely get rid of the navigation panel, because your application already has a navigation panel, these are the steps that you need to do. AvatarCreator Widget uses the navigation panel for button visibility and responding to the clicked buttons. You need to replace the navigation panel reference in Avatar Creator with your navigation panel. In your navigation panel add buttons that you need(save, back, ...). Add a blueprint interface NavigationSwitcher to your navigation panel to have a connection with the AvatarCreator. Finally, fix all the blueprint errors connected with the replaced navigation panel.

Last updated