Validation tool for Blender

How to install validation tool for Blender

For now only Windows platform is supported.

To make sure your assets work correctly with our avatar models, Ready Player Me makes available a tool that validates assets for Ready Player Me avatars. The tool checks an asset for errors and suggests ways of fixing them.

The tool is still being developed.

In order to be accepted, avatars must pass the validation tool !

Validate the asset

Use our Blender Validation tool to check the asset for errors and fix them

Validation tool

We made a tool that helps validating if an asset is correct, and assists artists with fixing it. This tool is still in development. Let us know if anything isn’t clear and we’ll update it.

Blendertools release

Latest links to blendertool downloads


  1. Download the BlenderTools from Blendertools release and unzip on your computer

  2. Start blender, and go to preference

  3. In the preference window, go to file paths. And browse to the unzipped BlenderTools folder from step 1

  1. Close blender, and restart blender with Admin rights.

  1. Go back to preferences (see step 2) Go to the Add-ons tab. ensure enabled Add-ons only is not ticked search for pyblish in the addons and enable both plugins.

  1. open the dropdown arrow next Pyblish Blender plugin. click install dependencies button if all went well you should now see the PyQt5 version.

  1. search for the validation plugin and enable it (see step 5)

  1. you now have the tools installed. restart blender. You can launch the new validation tool from the 3dview menu (press N in blender) And the old validation tool by clicking the pyblish GUI button.


click check all will check your scene.

Assets found in your scene show up in the left list.

You can click on an asset for more detail. Checks that failed show as red, checks that succeeded show as green.

You can right click on a check to get more information, by going to the documentation page.

Since this tool is still in development it might show fails that are not vital yet.

Validation tool setup

The validation tools is a set of tools that you install into Blender.

  1. Download the blendertools from Ready Player Me’s gDrive.

  2. Extract the files into a easily findable location.

  3. Start Blender 3.0.

  4. Open Edit > Preferences

  5. In the Left Hand Navigation, click File Paths

  6. At the Top, find the Data Tab and The Scripts setting.

  7. Browse to the FOLDER where you extract the belendertools.

  8. Click Accept, then click Accept again. (Yes, twice.)

  9. Close Preferences and close Blender.

  10. Restart Blender with Admin rights: Windows: Run As Administrator.

  11. Open Edit > Preferences.

  12. In the LHN, click Add-ons.

  13. On the top, make sure Enabled Add-ons only is UN-checked.

  14. On the top right, enter pyblish into the search bar. This should show 2 addons. (If it doesn’t show, check for folder nesting from unzipping. Fix it, restart Blender, and try again)

  15. Enable Generic: Pyblish Blender and Generic: Pyblish Wolf3D Plug-ins

  16. Click the tiny tab/dropdown arrow to the left Generic: Pyblish Blender.

  17. Click Install Dependencies (it will turn blue). if all went well you should now see the PyQt5 version.

  18. Type validator in the search bar.

  19. Enable the Generic: Ready Player Me - asset validator plugin.

  20. Restart Blender. (You don’t have to be administrator)

  21. In the 3D Viewport Editor, Look for the new Validation GUI tab.

  22. Click it to open the validation tool. Also, notice the Import & Validate tool

Last updated