Validation checks

Validation checks are part of the technical quality control for 3D assets on Ready Player Me. Their purpose is to make sure to deliver technically correct and compatible assets to applications that use Ready Player Me.

The documentation of the individual checks will give you a short description of the problem they address, and give some guidance on how to fix the issue. You’ll find a more in-depth description of each issue in the Further Reading sections of the individual checks.

Checks that fail have different levels of severity.

Severity : Error

Severity : Warning

Severity : Visual Imperfection

Problems marked as Error can cause crashes or failures to load the asset. A Warning is addressing an issue that can lead to unexpected behavior or appearance of an asset. They should still be fixed to produce a high-quality, performant asset.

The validation checks can be categorized as relating to different components of an asset, namely :

Texture Maps

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