Avatar configuration

Apply Avatar API parameters to avatar loading.

The Ready Player Me Avatar API allows you to specify the Avatar Configuration parameters to apply when loading avatars.

The SDK provides functionality for loading avatars with specific configurations. For example, you may need a high-quality detailed avatar for showing the model at close range, and a low-quality avatar that will be rendered in a single draw call for other situations. You can set the configuration for each avatar with a custom Avatar Config data asset.

See the API Reference for details.

Avatar Configurations will only work with the new avatar API URLs. If you have a saved URL in your project, you may need to regenerate the avatar and update the URL in order to use Avatar Configurations.

Create an Avatar Configuration

The SDK contains a template Avatar Config file in the Data directory. Duplicate and modify this file according to your project needs.

  1. Go to Plugins > Ready Player Me Content > Data. Notice the templates for Avatar Config, Standard Morph Target Group, and Custom Morph Target Group.

  2. Double-click DA_RPMAvatarConfig to inspect and update it, or make and open a copy to change its settings in the Details panel as shown below.

  • Mesh LOD: Choose a level of detail (high, medium for 50%, or low for 25%).

  • Pose: Choose A Pose or T Pose.

  • Texture Atlas: Choose the atlas size. If set to none, texture atlasing will be disabled

  • Texture Size Limit: Set an upper limit on texture size.

  • Use Hands: Check to include hands with half-body VR avatars.

  • Morph Target Group:

    • To set standard morph targets for the avatar, duplicate the DA_StandardMorphTargetGroup and modify it according to your project needs.

    • To set custom morph targets for the avatar, duplicate the DA_CustomMorphTargetGroup and modify the Morph Targets according to your project needs.

    • To not include any morph targets, set Morph Target Group to None; in the Morph Target Groups drop-down, click in the empty space below the other options.

See Avatar API 3D Avatars for details

If you select None, no morph targets will be included in the model. Since morph targets come with a high cost and may freeze your application, only include them if you are using facial animations.

Apply an Avatar Configuration

Apply your newly created Avatar Config to the Avatar Config field in the ReadyPlayerMeComponent.

You can have different Avatar Configs for different avatars.

If avatar caching is enabled, and the same avatar is loaded with different configs, multiple models will be saved locally.

Last updated

Change request #130: Asset API