Frequently asked questions about Ready Player Me.
How do I create a Ready Player Me avatar?
If you're looking to create a Ready Player Me avatar compatible with thousands of apps and games, use the Ready Player Me Avatar Creator. All avatars created on our website are under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, so you can use them for non-commercial projects (as long as you credit us).
How much does it cost to use Ready Player Me avatars and the SDK?
Ready Player Me avatars and the Ready Player Me Avatar SDK are free to use for developers and end users.
What are the licensing terms for the Ready Player Me avatars and the SDK?
See Licensing.
Can I use the Ready Player Me Avatar SDK for a commercial project for free?
Yes! All you need to do is to sign up as a developer.
Note that you are not allowed to mint our avatars as NFTs.
How can you offer the SDK for free?
We are currently focused on getting it to the market – not monetization. However, in the future we want to create a digital asset store where artists, brands, and developers will be able to sell customization options for avatars. The revenue will be split between us, asset creators, and Ready Player Me partners.
Do you collect photos from people who create avatars?
We use the photo uploaded by a user solely to create the avatar as also stated in the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
What types of avatars do you support?
Ready Player Me can be used to create half-body avatars suitable for VR applications as well as full-body avatars for applications that support them.
Who is using Ready Player Me today?
Ready Player Me is integrated into throusands of gaming and VR applications.
Do users have to use readyplayer.me or can I offer an in-app Avatar Creator?
You can do both! Create a subdomain for your customized Avatar Creator and implement the Ready Player Me Avatar Creator into your app.
What platforms do you support?
Ready Player Me avatars can be created on any device capable of WebGL rendering, that is, all modern web browsers.
For developers, we provide integration guidelines and SDKs for integrating Ready Player Me avatars into the web, Unity, Unreal Engine, or any other platform supporting postMessage and REST technology.
See Integration Guides.
What are the requirements to access Ready Player Me behind a (corporate) firewall or on a private network?
The following domains need to be resolvable from your client in order to access the Ready Player Me avatar creation and customization web interface and to be able to download the resulting avatars.
Can I add custom content to Ready Player Me?
We're working towards opening up Ready Player Me for content submissions from the community.
We're open to discussing custom (branded) content with select partners! Reach us at support@readyplayer.me.
I have a feature request or found a problem!
You can reach us via support@readyplayer.me to submit a ticket, or connect with the community on Discord and we'll help you out!
Last updated
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