
Load your personal Ready Player Me avatar in Unity in less than 10 minutes.

Before you begin

  • Sign in to Studio (Developer Dashboard) and copy your subdomain. This will allow you to create and load an avatar in your domain at a later step.

  • Make sure you have downloaded and installed Unity 2020.3.0f1 LTS or later.

  • For this to work, you need to have Git installed on your machine, which can be downloaded from here. After installation, you will also need to restart Unity.

  • Open your Unity Project

If you have an earlier version of the SDK installed, please follow the Unity SDK 2.0 Migration Guide.

1. Import the Ready Player Me Unity SDK

Import the package via Window -> Package Manager -> + icon -> Add Package from git URL.

Paste this git URL into the input field


When you import the package for the first time, you will be asked to allow analytics. By doing so, you can help us improve the Unity SDK.

2. Import the Sample scene

With the Package Manager window open, select Ready Player Me Avatar Loader -> Samples -> Quick Start.

3. Open the runtime example scene

Go to Assets -> Samples-> Ready Player Me Avatar Loader-> 1.1.0-> QuickStart -> QuickStart and double-click to open the scene.

4. Load your personal avatar

Next, you need an avatar URL. If you don't have one, you can create one in your own subdomain https://[your-subdomain].readyplayer.me/avatar. You can get your subdomain from Studio.

If you want to signup later, you can use https://demo.readyplayer.me/avatar

After creating your avatar, copy the URL.

Return to the Quick Start Scene.

In the hierarchy, select the RPM Player game object and open the Third Person Loader Component.

Paste the Avatar URL into the Avatar Url Property.

5. Run your project

Click Play and wait a moment for your avatar to load and animate with a basic third-person controller setup.

The third-person controller is currently designed to work with a keyboard and mouse using the old Unity Input system.

Next steps

Next, you will learn in more detail how to:

Last updated

Change request #130: Asset API