Help us improve the Unreal Engine SDK

Enable analytics and help us improve.

We are constantly adding new features and improvements to the Ready Player Me SDK. Enable analytics and help us build even better free tools for more developers.

The collected data is used for internal purposes only and not shared with third parties.

Read our Privacy Policy.

What we track

We believe in transparency, so here is a list of the events that we track.

General Data

  • SDK version

  • Unreal Engine version

  • Operating system

  • Your application name

  • Your device ID (we use this to group events by developer)

Events (Unreal Editor only)

  • Opening and closing the project

How to enable SDK Analytics

You will be asked to enable SDK Analytics when you import the SDK into Unreal.

Click Enable Analytics to opt in and allows us to track the events listed above.

Enable or disable SDK Analytics from Editor Preferences

If you selected Never Ask Again, you can enable or disable analytics at any time, as follows.

  1. From the Editor Preferences, select General > Ready Player Me.

  2. Check Enable analytics.

Last updated

Change request #130: Asset API