

  • Changed the default base URL for 3D Avatars, 2D Avatars and Avatar Metadata from to for internal performance reasons.


  • New parameter quality with three quality presets (low, medium, high).

  • New parameter textureChannels to choose the included texture channels.

  • Parameter meshLod=1 now has now a 50% reduction in poly-count (was at 25% before).

  • Parameter meshLod=2 now has now a 75% reduction in poly-count (was at 50% before).

  • All parts of the avatar other than glasses are now affected by the meshLod parameter. Previously it was only the outfit.


  • Parameter meshLod=2 now has now a 75% reduction in poly-count (was at 50% before).

  • Parameter meshLod=1 now has now a 50% reduction in poly-count (was at 25% before).

  • Parameter meshLod=2 now has now a 75% reduction in poly-count (was at 50% before).

  • All parts of the avatar other than glasses are now affected by the meshLod parameter. Previously it was only the outfit.

Initial public launch of Avatar API - 3D Avatars with seven parameters.

  • All parts of the avatar other than glasses are now affected by the meshLod parameter. Previously it was only the outfit.

  • morphTargets to choose the included blend shapes.

  • textureSizeLimit to specify the maximum texture size.

  • meshLod to request different level of details.

  • useDracoCompression to enable server-side compression.

  • textureAtlas to specify the atlas size.

  • pose to request an avatar with default pose of A or T.

  • useHands to request a half-body avatar with or without hands.

Initial public launch of Avatar API - 2D Avatars with 2 parameters.

  • scene to specify the portrait-type to render.

  • blendShapes to specify blendShape values.

Initial public launch of Avatar API - Metadata.

Last updated

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#130: Asset API

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