C++ project compilation issues

Errors and known issues.

Unable to compile or open a C++ project

When importing the plugin into your Unreal C++ project, you should extract the plugin Zip file into the PROJECT_NAME/Plugins directory. If the directory doesn't exist, create it.

If you encounter errors that prevent you from compiling, the most common fix is to remove all generated files and folders and perform a clean build.

  1. Exit Unreal Engine.

  2. Open a file explorer on your project.

  3. Inside your project, delete the folders Binaries, Intermediate, and Saved.

  4. Delete the [PROJECT_NAME].sln file (if using Visual Studio) .

  5. Delete the Binaries and Intermediate folders inside Plugins/glTFRuntime and Plugins/ReadyPlayerMe.

  6. Navigate back to the project root folder.

  7. Right-click the [PROJECT_NAME].uproject file and select Generate Visual Studio Project Files.

  8. Reopen your project.

If this does not fix your issues, you can open the .sln file and try debugging the issue, or contact us at support@readyplayer.me with an email explaining your issue.

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#168: React Guides

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