Create Custom Outfits

Create outfits that meet Ready Player Me specifications.

This document explains how to create a full-body avatar outfit that meets Ready Player Me technical specifications and functions properly in your application.

Currently, every clothing asset in Ready Player Me is a full-body asset. This means that users cannot change tops without changing bottoms, and vice versa.


  • All outfits must comply with the guidelines in this document and pass validation when uploaded. See Upload Custom Outfits.

  • All outfits must be in GLB format.

  • We recommend that you use Blender with the Ready Player Me Asset Validation Blender plugin to verify your model during the creation process and before uploading. This validation tool ensures that your custom outfit meets all requirements.

  • Using Blender is not mandatory. You can use any 3D asset creation tool as long as it can output GLB files. And, if your asset was created in a 3D tool that doesn't support the GLB format, you can use Blender to convert from different file types to GLB format.

Components of a full-body outfit

A full-body outfit consists of a top, bottom, footwear, and body.

Name: Wolf3D_Outfit_Top

Mesh Name: Wolf3D_Outfit_Top

Material Name: Wolf3D_Outfit_Top

Triangle Count: max 6000

Basecolor Map: required

Normal Map: required

Vertex Colors: No

Name: Wolf3D_Outfit_Bottom

Mesh Name: Wolf3D_Outfit_Bottom

Material Name: Wolf3D_Outfit_Bottom

Triangle Count: max 5000

Basecolor Map: Yes

Normal Map: Yes

Vertex Colors: No

Name: Wolf3D_Outfit_Footwear

Mesh Name: Wolf3D_Outfit_Footwear

Material Name: Wolf3D_Outfit_Footwear

Triangle Count: max 2000

Basecolor Map: required

Normal Map: required

Vertex Colors: No

Name: Wolf3D_Body

Mesh Name: Wolf3D_Body

Material Name: Wolf3D_Body

Triangle Count: max 2000

File Requirements for the completed outfit

  • File Type: GLB

  • File Size: max 8 MB

  • Total Tri Count: max 15000

  • Basecolor Map: required

  • Normal Map: required

  • Roughness Map: optional

  • Metallic Map: optional

  • Vertex Colors: No


  • The materials use the metalness PBR workflow.

  • Keep the shading network of the material as simple as possible.

  • Enable Backface Culling (single-sided materials). Only use double-sided materials when absolutely necessary.

Texture Maps

  • The texture file format is JPG. It's preferable for web applications like Ready Player Me due to the smaller file size. If transparency is needed, use PNG.


Steps for creating a full-body outfit

  1. Download the male and female full-body FBX template files.

  2. Create your outfit.

  3. Validate the outfit in Blender using the Ready Player Me Blender plugin.

  4. Export the outfit as a GLB file including the body and the skeleton (Armature).

  5. Upload the GLB file in Ready Player Me Studio.

Step 1: Download and inspect the template

  1. Go to full-body templates and download the template for the body type you intend to use.

  2. Inspect the templates and familiarize yourself with the details. Your design must match the above requirements. Your modeling must be within these constraints.

Step 2: Create your outfit

  • Modify the selected template.

  • Remove any body parts hidden by clothing, for optimization.

  • Retain the same UV layout for body parts.

  • Keep the armature.

  • Observe the hard limits on triangle counts.

    • Wolf3D_Outfit_Top: max 6000

    • Wolf3D_Outfit_Bottom: max 5000

    • Wolf3D_Outfit_Footwear: max 2000

    • Wolf3D_Body: max 2000

See the Recommendations and Tips for details,

Every mesh must be a separate mesh. Do not combine these meshes into one mesh

Step 3: Deformation testing

Make sure your designs work when the model moves by using Mixamo or Blender.

See Skinning and testing.

Step 4: Validate the outfit

When you upload an outfit in Studio, it is checked against requirements. In order to successfully complete upload, an asset has to pass the validation.

To ensure that your assets function correctly with our avatar models, Ready Player Me provides and recommends you use the plugin for Blender to validate your assets before you upload.

See Validation tool for Blender.

Step 5: Export

When you have completed modeling and passed validation, export your outfit as a GLB file.


  • the initial unmodified skeletal mesh (Armature),

  • the remaining parts of the body,

  • and the outfit skinned to the skeletal mesh.

Step 6: Upload in Studio

Once the export is complete, open Ready Player Me Studio and upload your creation.

See Asset Manager in Studio.

Recommendations and Tips


  • Make every triangle count! A polygon should either be contributing to the silhouette and/or helping deformations.

  • Geometry has a gradient with the lowest number of polygons used around the feet and lower torso, and the highest density around the head and upper torso.

  • Avoid creating long triangles as they tend to cause shading errors.

  • Avoid creating very small triangles or triangles that have 0 area (with all 3 vertices at the same location), as this can generate errors.

  • The Validation tool for Blender checks for common issues with meshes and triangle counts.

Texture baking

  • The more details you bake into normal, basecolor, and other maps, the better!

  • For example, a pant pocket could be extruded from the low poly mesh, and details from the high poly mesh baked into the textures.

  • Use hard edges on angles of 90 degrees or sharper. If using a hard edge, also split the UV and leave some space between the 2 split off UV islands.

To create the basecolor textures in a desirable style, we recommend:

  1. Use a smart material for Substance Painter 2021 as a base: Wolf3D.spsm

  2. Or: Use Color and World Space Normal maps to create a similar effect in Photoshop.

Benefits of using baked textures

  • Includes AO layers, so they can be adjusted separately.

  • Adds a cavity map, so you can control the amount of brightness and the color of edges you want to see.

  • Bakes lights, so you can generate simulated top illumination.

Examples of baked base color textures

UV mapping

  • Do not use symmetrical UVs. They are not yet officially supported.

  • Minimize texture seams. (Do use seams when there are hard edges.)

  • Do not change the UVs of the provided body mesh.

  • If possible, use fewer and bigger UV shells/islands instead of many small UV shells. Every UV split creates extra data.

  • Straighten UV islands, where possible, to reduce artifacts on the down-scaled textures, e.g. belts, upper & bottom of pants, ends of sleeves.

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